Introduction: Tiny Usb Mouse Module Easily Integrable!

Here is aproject Irealizedfor the third time.

order to makethemousethat I like, I wanteda modulethat you canintegrate intoall sorts of things......

it is best touse ausbmousecheap

Indeed,there arefew componentsinside

justto spotcomponentsand their paths
thenyou mustunsolderand replacedirectly on theoptical component

the reflectorishadpastebelow, taking carenot to puttoo much gluecyanocrilateordernot to damagethe sensor

Iusedscraps ofcopperelectricalthat allow me tokeepthe LEDin the right place(andlike thatitisfirmly in place)

sometimesit is necessarypieces of wireto connectsome of the ingredients

the advantage is thatmany componentsarecommonattachment

STOP-MOTION VIDEO of the project

thelatest pictures,I made ahorrible  WORKING mouse.....thanks tomy firstmodule!

the interest ofthis thing andshow that wecan make ahomemademousewithouta largebase

I can not waitto see your ideasorfunnysteampunkmousethanks to mymodule!