Introduction: Turn Webcam to IR Sensitive Camera

About: i m an electronics and telecommunication engineer with all my interest inclined towards music lights and art
Low cost infrared camera can be made easily using a normal webcam. iBall face to face c12.0 is used for the same

Step 1: Removal of IR Filter

The specifications of the camera are as follows:

 Sensor resolution         : 1.3M Pixels sensor
Output format             : 24-Bit true color
Still image resolution   :  640x480
Frame rate                          : 30fps
USB Powered

removal of ir filter:
step 1: unscrew the webcam casing
step 2: look for the ir filter (tiny colour film like thing)
step 3: with help of cutter or scissors carefully get off the IR filter
step 4: replace the ir filter with a clean un-used negative film
step 5: screw the setup,adjust the focus back(Finally, to make this an IR-only camera, the visible light needs to be filter-out. To do that, a filter is made for the front of the lens out of several layers of fully-exposed 35mm color negative film.)

Step 2: IR Image

final customized camera and images