Working Butter Fly Knex Knife


Intro: Working Butter Fly Knex Knife

i wanted a butter fly knife my parents wouldent let me get one evin one that is not evin sharp or dulled down blade so i made one (it was suposed to be a switch blade

STEP 1: Caution Cautionn and the Fliping Mech

this is a toy unless you sharpen it wich i do not recomend because sicne the blade can spin you might find yourself getting hurt and dont stab any one when it is sharpend because stabbing is baaaaad
on to the instructable
take the yellow conecter
2 white rods
3 grey clips
2 tan clips

STEP 2: Handels Makeing Them

easy take11 grey clips atach them to one yellow rod then slip the other yellow rod through the grey hole you should now have 4 grey clips left

STEP 3: Ataching the Handels

just click it together


pretty cool i made it easy some are cool but way to hard and i didnt have the right pices
thanks... I see there have been a bunch of copies since I've been gone, but I do believe this is the original because last time I checked, it was this and the one with the real blade that were the only ones on here. Thanks for the kinds words.
uh you spelled handle wrong everywhere
yaaaa durritos...i couldnt resist...
is that cheeto on ur finger?
1)wow whos a jerk here? hmmm U --- i 2) ur not cool for being mean 3)sweet gun/ butterfly knife J_SCAP
1 - <3 you too. 2 - I'm not mean, I'm honest. 3 - I cant change your opinion, so no comment on that.
Wow. You have nothing better to argue about? Be nice, both of you.
How unprovoked and uncalled for was THAT? Man...
Not unprovoked and not uncalled for.
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