

Intro: 灯-lamp

The inspiration came from the traditional Chinese words. The shape of Chinese words are special and beautiful. So This lamp is a Chinese word “lamp” shape. It can be not only a unity of function and shape, but also an interface of cultural communication.

The function of this lamp is that it is portable, wearable and foldable. The target users should be people who want to read while camping or other place outside the room, but who have no hand to hold a big lamp.

STEP 1: Laser Cut

Laser cutting Chinese Word "Lamp" shape.

STEP 2: Folding Paper and Coper Tape

Cutting a strip of paper and folding it as four average squares. So you can make the paper fold like the iPad cover structure. Adding two LEDs on the front of the first square of paper. Using coper tape as the conductor. So adding coper tapes on the back of the first square where the LEDs foot are.

STEP 3: Add Battery

Then Add the batteries on the back of the last square and connect with coper tapes. The coper tapes should spread to the other side of the paper, so that they can connect with the coper tapes on the first square and make the LEDs light up.

STEP 4: Add the Chinese Word

Add the lamp Chinese word shape on the front of first square.

STEP 5: Wear It on Your Arm

Wear it when you are reading. What a lamp with mystery cultural atmosphere.


Clever and practical! Really like this

This is a very nice looking lamp! I love the clever use of the Chinese characters. Well done!