Introduction: Cheap and Easy Garage Tool Hangers

About: I own a online business that sells industrial pipe fittings (Kee Klamp), PVC (pipe and fittings), as well as unique projects made with these products.
I had piles of handled tools lying everywhere in my garage.  I saw a picture of this idea, and it was so easy I thought I would share it here. 

Basically it consist of cutting 2 x 4 lumber into 18" strips and screwing them to the framing of the garage.  That's all there is to it. 


Cut some 2 x 4s into 18" sections
Pre-drill two holes for the screw in each 2 x 4.  
(I didn't do any measuring.. I just kind of eyed where the holes should go)
Screw them in at a slight angle to the framing of your garage.

Viola!  A very quick, cheap and easy hanger for tools in your garage.
Woodworking Challenge

Participated in the
Woodworking Challenge