Introduction: Make Your Own Miniature Mjölnir Bookweight With Fusion 360

About: Sky is the limit & Ground is the End !!

Since the release of Thor in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), Mjölnir has sparked widespread fascination and discussion. In the first Thor movie, Odin declares that only those deemed worthy can lift Mjölnir and wield Thor's powers. This concept was thrillingly confirmed in Avengers: Endgame when Captain America proves his worthiness by lifting Mjölnir to aid Thor in the battle against Thanos. Inspired by this iconic moment, I decided to create a unique Mjölnir bookweight that not only serves as a functional item but also as a memorable gift for Marvel fans and collectors.

While there are numerous STL files and designs of Mjölnir available, including my own, this instructable goes a step further. I'll show you how to elevate your 3D printouts with some special ideas tailored specifically for creating a miniature Mjölnir. This project combines creativity and practicality, offering a personalized touch that transforms a simple bookweight into a cherished piece of Marvel memorabilia.

Additionally, this project encourages creativity and problem-solving. As you work through the design and printing process, you'll encounter various challenges that require innovative solutions, helping you develop critical thinking and adaptability. The intricate design of Mjölnir demands attention to detail and precision, which further hones your skills.

Moreover, making your own Mjölnir bookweight is a cost-effective and customizable way to enhance your workspace or home décor. Unlike store-bought bookweight, this DIY project allows you to tailor the design to your preferences, from the size and weight to the finishing touches. You can experiment with different materials and finishes to create a unique piece that reflects your personal style.


For the Supplies you are required-

  • Fusion 360
  • 3D Printer
  • Spray paints
  • Leather Sheets
  • Super Glue
  • Cutter & Scissors

Step 1: Designing Mjölnir in Fusion 360

  • Open Fusion 360 and start a new project.
  • Set the units to millimeters for precision.
  • Use the Box Tool to create a rectangular prism that will serve as the main body of Mjölnir.
  • Input the dimensions (e.g., 50mm x 30mm x 30mm) to ensure proper proportions.
  • Select the edges and use the Chamfer Tool to bevel them, giving Mjölnir its iconic angular look.

Step 2: Detailing the Head

  • Next, smooth out selected corners using the Fillet Tool to create a more polished appearance.
  • Use the Sketch Tool to draw Norse runes or decorative patterns on the faces of the hammer. Extrude these sketches to create embossed or engraved effects.
  • Use the Cylinder Tool to design the handle. Input appropriate dimensions (e.g., 20mm diameter, 100mm length).
  • Sketch and extrude bands or a leather-wrapped texture along the length of the handle for added realism.
  • Design a small, rounded cap at the base of the handle, adding any decorative elements as desired.

Step 3: Detailing the Handle

  • Ensure the handle is centrally aligned with the bottom face of the hammer’s head.
  • Use Boolean Union to combine the handle and head if designing as a single piece, or ensure proper fitment if printing separately.
  • Use the Measure Tool to verify all parts are accurately sized.
  • Adjust the design for optimal print orientation, adding any necessary supports or making minor tweaks to reduce overhangs and ensure stability.

Step 4: Preparing for 3D Printing

  • Save your design in Fusion 360.
  • Export the completed design as an STL file, ready for slicing and 3D printing.
  • Open your preferred slicing software (e.g., Cura, PrusaSlicer, Simplify3D).
  • Import the STL file of your Mjölnir design into the slicing software.
  • Adjust print settings to achieve the desired quality and functionality.
  • Choose a layer height suitable for your printer (e.g., 0.2mm for standard quality).
  • Determine the infill percentage based on desired weight and structural integrity (e.g., 20-30% for a sturdy bookweight).
  • Enable supports if necessary, especially for overhanging features like the handle.
  • Set the appropriate temperature for your filament type (PLA, ABS, etc.).
  • Adjust print speed for optimal print quality and accuracy.

Step 5: Post-Processing the Print

  • Preview the sliced model layer by layer to ensure there are no errors or unexpected issues.
  • Slice the model using the selected settings to generate the G-code file for your 3D printer.
  • Transfer the G-code file to your 3D printer via USB, SD card, or network connection.
  • Load the appropriate filament and start the print process, ensuring the printer is properly calibrated and leveled.
  • Keep an eye on the print progress, addressing any issues such as filament jams or adhesion problems promptly.
  • Adjust settings or reprint if necessary to achieve the desired outcome.
  • Once the print is complete, carefully remove any support structures using flush cutters or pliers.
  • Take care not to damage the printed parts while removing supports, especially in delicate areas.
  • Once all post-processing steps are complete, give the entire model a final sanding with fine-grit sandpaper to ensure a smooth, uniform surface.

Step 6: Priming and Painting

  • Use a spray primer specifically formulated for 3D prints, which provides excellent adhesion and smooth coverage.
  • Shake the primer can thoroughly to ensure proper mixing.
  • Hold the can about 6-8 inches away from the Mjölnir model and apply a light, even coat of primer.
  • Allow the primer to dry completely before proceeding to the next step.
  • Choose a metallic silver or gray spray paint for the base coat, as it provides a durable and uniform finish.
  • Use acrylic or enamel brush-on paints for adding intricate details and embellishments to your Mjölnir model.
  • Use fine brushes to carefully paint runes, decorative patterns, or other details, following reference images for accuracy.
  • Take your time and use a steady hand to ensure precise application of the paint.
  • Allow the spray paint and clear coat sealant to dry completely before handling.
  • Cut a strip of real leather to the desired length and width for wrapping around the handle of the Mjölnir model.
  • Apply a thin layer of strong adhesive or contact cement along the length of the handle where the leather will be attached.
  • Carefully wrap the leather strip around the handle, ensuring it is smooth and tightly secured.
  • Press down firmly on the leather to ensure proper adhesion and allow the adhesive to dry completely.
  • By incorporating real leather wrapping on the handle of your Mjölnir model, you'll add an authentic touch and enhance the overall appearance of your creation. Combined with the priming, painting, and weathering techniques, this step completes the transformation of your 3D-printed model into a stunning replica of Thor's legendary hammer.

Step 7: Ta Da.....

Congratulations on completing your Mjölnir bookweight! With its intricate design, realistic detailing, and authentic leather wrapping, your creation is sure to impress Marvel fans and collectors alike. Whether displayed proudly on a bookshelf or used to hold down the pages of your favorite novels, your Mjölnir bookweight is a testament to your creativity and craftsmanship

Step 8: Ending Words

As the final touches were applied and the last stroke of paint dried, you witnessed the transformation of a simple 3D print into a stunning work of art. The addition of real leather wrapping to the handle added an authentic touch, elevating your creation to new heights of realism and craftsmanship. And as Odin said " you may lift Thor Mjölnir if you are worthy" So create your own Mjölnir and see if you are worthy enough to lift it up : D

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