
BadJer Maker

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LocationGreen BayJoined
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I am a maker, DIY'er, Dad, Engineer, and all around life Long Learner. My mission is to try new things, attempt to do more by learning from others and share my experiences with others for enjoyable experiences!


100+ Comments Earned a bronze medal
10K+ Views Earned a bronze medal
Halloween Contest
Contest Winner First Prize in the Halloween Contest
Make it Glow Contest
Contest Winner First Prize in the Make it Glow Contest
Plastic Contest
Contest Winner First Prize in the Plastic Contest
1000th Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the 1000th Contest
Metalworking Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Metalworking Contest
Halloween Contest 2019
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Halloween Contest 2019
Microcontroller Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Microcontroller Contest
Fiber Arts Contest 2017
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Fiber Arts Contest 2017
PVC Contest 2017
Contest Winner Runner Up in the PVC Contest 2017

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