Introduction: 🍪 Dalgona Robot Cookie 🍪

About: maker, steampunk lover!
This cookie is very popular today, due to THE SQUID GAME series, but to make it even more fun, we will give a twist and try to stamp our robot on the cookie, the project is very easy and I will leave a link for you to download the mold for free.


  • 3 tablespoon of sugar
  • 1/8 tablespoon of baking soda
  • wax paper
  • Instructables Robot Mold. (I made on fusion 360)

Step 1:

Melt the 3 tablespoons of sugar (without letting it burn).

When it is already in a liquid state, add the baking soda and mix quickly.

Step 2:

Pour the mixture on the non-stick paper and quickly crush it with a heavy metal surface.

Stamp the robot mold and allow to cool.


Cookie Speed Challenge

Participated in the
Cookie Speed Challenge