Introduction: 2 Minute LED Flashlight From SD Card Case

About: Husband, father, nut-case, and craftsman. Foster parent with 4 natural kids and 8 adopted ones. Raise registered paint horses and Brittany Spaniels. Love traditional woodworking with antique hand tools tuned t…

Using a high brightness LED, two calculator batteries, a little piece of wire, and an SD card case, I created this really spiffy little pocket flashlight in about 2 minutes flat.

Step 1: Connect the Batteries

Using electrical tape (I chose white) and about 3/4 inch of wire, connect the two batteries in series. Using a longer piece of tape on the back side, I also taped the positive lead of the LED to the first battery, laying the other lead (the fuzzy line in the second pic) over the negative terminal on the second one.

Step 2: Cut a Hole in the Hinge Side of the SD Case

Using a sharp knife, I notched the hinge side of the SD case, and then bored it round to accept the 3mm LED.

Slip the innards in so the LED pokes out the hole. The little tabs that keep the SD card centered will keep the batteries from shifting. I also taped another little piece of wire on top of the battery for a spacer to keep the LED lead from resting on it when you were not pressing it down. Pretty cool, huh?

Step 3: Close the Lid and Give It a Squeze

The pic below gives no clue to how bright this thing is. 18,000mcd pushed by 6 volts will ruin your night vision for a few hours!

I hope you liked this one. Stay tuned for my next trick, in which I turn the sexy slim-line Mezzi aluminum case into the laptop of doom, with a wide-screen 17 inch LCD display. Oh, yeah!