Introduction: 5 Steps to Potty Train Your Child

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Potty training was a crucial mile stone in parenting as it can either be a smooth process or can be a frustrating process.It all depends upon how prepared you are when it comes to potty train your child.Also it depends on the age and the readiness of the toddler.Either way they will master it along the way and then you can get rid of the diapers.Here are some basic steps to potty train the kid so that it will act as a guide for you.

Step 1: Find If the Child and You Are Ready.

Some times the very basic step was to asses if you are ready.Potty training can take a lot of time and you need patience to go along with.Some children get it with a day and for some it may take weeks or even months.So be prepared first.Potty training can be started for as early as 18 months age.But some kids are ready only when they are more older.First sign that the toddler is ready is when they pause and indicate that they need to pee or poo.Check if he can follow simple instructions also.

Step 2: Buy a Good Potty Chair

Investing in a good potty chair is the first step.You don't need a fancy one with bells and dolls even a good basic potty chair will be enough for this.There are also special adjustment seats that can be attached to the regular toilet which are also good.Just makes sure that the child is comfortable with the potty chair and then you can proceed to the next step.Your toddler will need the stool in order to get up and down from the toilet quickly and easily, as well as to brace his feet while sitting, which helps him push when he's having a bowel movement

Step 3: Give a Demo to the Child

A great way to make the child comfortable with the potty chair was to demonstrate him.They learn things by imitating and watching you.Make sure he understand that the grown up do it every day.When you demonstrate for your toddler, it's helpful to talk about how you know it's time to go to the bathroom, then explain what's going on as you're using the toilet and let him see afterward what you "made." Then show him how you wipe with toilet paper, pull up your underwear, flush the toilet, and wash your hands.

Step 4: Explain the Whole Thing.

A good way to explain things will be to show some potty training videos or animations.this way the child understands the need of toilets and flush.Also let him flush and see the feces disappearing and also show you emptying the diaper in the toilet.this will make him learn the use of toilet and flush.Keeping a book like Once Upon a Potty in the bathroom, or a poster or flipbook that illustrates the steps in using the potty, can help your toddler get familiar with the process and relate it to what she does in the bathroom.

Step 5: Be Patient and Soon You Will Succeed

Well it can either be a tiresome process or you can make it interesting one.Believe it or not, when your child is mentally and physically ready to learn this new skill, he will. And if you wait until he's really ready to start, the process shouldn't be too painful for either of you.And in the end say god bye to the diapers till the next baby :).