Introduction: A Simple LED Tower

About: Evil Mad Scientist, Atari Punk Console Maker, Avante Garde Contemporary Artist, Air Metal Musician

I am fascinated by light. Especially different color light.
So I build this simple LED Tower with a few color changing LED's too.

Step 1: Gather Parts

What you need:
a bunch of 1K ohm resistors
a bunch of LED's
a blank circuit board
a soldering iron
a 9v battery clip (use and old 9v battery if you don't have a battery clip.)
a 9v battery

Step 2: How to Solder

Solder all the negatives of the LEDs together.
Solder one side of the 1K resistors to the positive side of the LED's
Now Solder all of the other side of the 1K resistor together.

Step 3: Power It Up

Now attach the 9v positive to the connected together side of the resistors and the negative to the LED's negative.