Introduction: Awesome Digital Hacks for Your Daily Life

About: Huge lover of arduino and a volunteer at the tech fest held at IIT Bombay .also a chef

Sit back and enjoy the life hacks I present to you.please vote.firstly a preview. Log on to For my video.

Step 1: Secure Digital Card or Sd Card

For the sake of brevity,like a lot of us out there.connecting your phone to an aux cable is not the best option . That's where Sd cards come in. They are small. They are compact,you could keep them in your purse . the best part is that you can store upto 80,000 songs on this small thingy.

Step 2: Wifi Dongle

Everybody knows about rpi so I won't bore you. What you can use is a wifi dongle.put your wifi dongle in the USb slot of your wireless router and you just boost your wifi upto 3 times.

Step 3: Dash Cams

As a bonus I am going to tell you about dash cams .they are cameras mounted on your dash board and come in handy in everyday life.thank you.please vote.

Digital Life 101 Challenge

Participated in the
Digital Life 101 Challenge

Full Spectrum Laser Contest 2016

Participated in the
Full Spectrum Laser Contest 2016