Introduction: Battery Heater

This will use a 9v battery, battery connector, and paperclip to make a battery heater that will heat up the paperclip!

Step 1: Materials

You need a 9 volt battery, a battery connector, and a paperclip.

Step 2: Unravel the Paperclip

Unravel the paperclip to make a metal rod.

Step 3: Battery Connector

Connect the battery connector to the battery.

Step 4: Put It Together

Wrap the red end of the battery connector (where the copper wire shows) around one end of the paperclip. Then, wrap the black end of the battery connector around the other end of the paperclip.

Step 5: Done

The paperclip will start heating up!

First Time Author Contest 2016

Participated in the
First Time Author Contest 2016