Introduction: Built in Whole House Music Control

I used an old iphone in conjunction with the apple tv to stream to my whole house music system

Step 1:

Remove one picture frkm the frame and build your own holder for the device you choose to use.

Step 2:

Notch built frame to accomodate the charging cord and nicely fit the phone

Step 3:

Drill a hole that lines up with the power button and cut a small nail to length with pliers so you may still access the power button. Glue frame into picture frame to secure using hot glue.

Step 4:

I had a outlet on the other side of the wall so I popped a hole through to provide permanent power.

Step 5:

I hung the frame on the wall and added some velcro to secure tightly. I set it to stay on all of the time and even have it set as an alram through Pandora to play in the morning to wake up.