Introduction: Cool Spinning Top From Old Motor

About: Electronics and Software Hobbyist. Let's see what I come up with... into #DoctorWho, #ESP8266, #Arduino, #WebDevelopment

In this instructable i'm going to show how to make this cool spinning top from an old crusty motor. It can spin for over a minute on a smooth surface!!

Step 1: What You'll Need

Obviously you are going to need an old motor, these wider types ones are better, you're also going to need some flat-head screwdrivers to pry it open.

Step 2: Pry It Open

This is the hardest step, your motor should have a little notch on the side, you want to stuff your screwdriver in that notch and pry it open, it took me a couple of tries and two different sized screwdrivers.

Step 3: Take It Apart

Now you can take apart your motor, you can throw away the outer shell and the lid, the core will be the spinning top.

Step 4: Give It a Spin!

Now just spin it, because it is perfectly balanced it should go for quite a while.

You can watch it on YouTube.

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