Introduction: Definition of Handsome Costume

About: I like to work with my hands and keep overly busy. I went to school for industrial design and want to put it to use any way possible. I like to learn, and put things I learn to work. I enjoy design and art and…

So its an hour before the big halloween party and you are trying to look good for the night... Try being the definition of handsome! I know what your thinking, "I don't use hair gel, and I rarely even use deodorant except when going to work." Well either required for you to be the definition of handsome. However for the sake of everyone around you please do wear deodorant..... off topic .....

Also definition of beautiful for the girls, and adorable for the new born.

Step 1: What You Will Be Needing.

1. T-shirt (plain t's work better)
2. Spray paint (any color will do)
3. Dictionary
4. Pencil
5. X-acto blade
6. Sharpie
7. Paper
8. Cardboard (or as im using a metal sign)
9. Masking Tape
10. Stencils

Step 2:

Grab your dictionary and look up the word your defining that night. Take letter stencils, I used 3/4" for the word adjective, and a 9/16" stencil for the definition. Trace the definition onto a piece of paper and cut out the letters with an x-acto blade. This will give you the stencil for the shirt.

I put one coat of spray paint on my stencil before using it to get it stiffer.

Step 3:

Place your cardboard (or in my case a street sign) into the shirt and fold the shirt around the cardboard so no waves or creases are present. Then tape the stencil of the definition to your shirt.

I used masking tape to do this. One, because its easier to remove. Two, it makes it easier if I mess up on the next step to start over. Three, I may want to use the stencil again incase my friends want one. 

Step 4:

Spray the stencil and let it dry (repeat 2 or 3 times). Then do any touch up work you need to with a sharpie.

And be sure whenever anyone asks you what you are, you answer, as smug as possible (jokingly) "I'm the definition of handsome, cant you tell?"  

Halloween Easy Costumes Challenge

Participated in the
Halloween Easy Costumes Challenge