Introduction: Door Prize Ticket Belt

About: I like making things out of items that would have otherwise been discarded. Check out my other projects!

I made this belt out of a strip of door prize tickets and a pair of aluminum hard drive platter spacer rings. It's a quick project that also doesn't require much for supplies or tools. It's only good for the occasional use, and relies on the


  • A length of door prize, amusement park, or raffle style tickets that's about 12 inches longer than your waist size.
  • 2 hard drive platter spacer rings. (Thick ones work better than thin ones.)
  • Clear packing tape.
  • Scissors or a craft knife.

Step 1: Laminate the Tickets

I found that a good way to do this was to cut a length of packing tape that was a few inches longer than I needed, and then tape it down to a table with the sticky side up. Then I put the tickets with the printed side down centered on the tape. Finally, I folder over either side. This does leave a seam along the back that's visible on the tail of the belt. You could also place the ticket strip entirely to one edge and then fold over once. I put on a second layer, because my packing tape was thin. This isn't a belt that's going to last a long time, but gives a second life to both of the main parts.

Step 2: Attach the Buckle Rings

Now, slip both hard drive platter spacer rings though one end and fold the tickets back on themselves. I left about an inch of space and then wrapped a few loops of tape around to secure the loop. And now it's ready for wearing. Just put it on like a normal belt, push the tail through both of the rings, then separate the two rings and loop the tail back between them.

Reuse Challenge

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