Introduction: Dutch Chocolate Chip Spritz Cookies!

Original dutch spritz cookie recipe but with a little twist: CHOCOLATE CHIP!

Step 1: Ingredients

200 grams butter
1 egg
A little bit salt
125 grams sugar
250 grams flour
1 teaspoon backing powder
Some chocolate chips
1 bag

Step 2: First..

1) Cut the butter in little pieces.
2) Mix the butter.
3) Add: egg, sugar and salt.
4) Mix again.
5) Add flour and baking powder.
6) Mix for the last time.

Step 3: Bag

Put the dough in the bag.

Step 4: Make the Cookies!

Preheat the oven on 180°C

Make your own shapes and sprinkle it with chocolate chips.

Step 5: Enjoy!