Introduction: FX Camouflage Makeup Using Fauxtex

About: My favorite quotation is: “All you need in order to accomplish something great is a good idea and not quite enough money.” – Anon I live by that theme, and the ideas just keep coming.

Dang. There was a featured instructable recently that showed how to use tree bark to camouflage a pair of gloves, but for the life of me I can't find it now.
Anyway, I ran with the idea and came up with this tutorial on using bark + fauxtex (a homemade substitute for latex) to apply tree bark directly to your skin for a quick, easy, and super realistic camouflage makeup.
For this makeup you will need:

1 cup water
1/4 cup tapioca flour
1 packet of plain gelatin
Yellow, Green and Red food coloring to make a brown tint
1 tsp solid coconut oil (optional)

Tree bark

The above video shows how to apply the fauxtex and bark to your face (with Portuguese annotations).

Have fun!