Introduction: Green Laser Steadying Contraption

About: As you have perhaps noticed, I have a fascination with weaponry. I particularly enjoy making and using old martial arts weapons, especially the meteor hammer and manriki gusari. My favorite bands are CRY…

If you have a green laser, I’m sure you can sympathize with me when I say that it is extremely annoying to have the little green dot go wandering around...usually into the neighbors windows. The farther away the target is, the harder it is to keep the dot in on place. Then I watched “National Treasure” and was duly fascinated by Riley Poole’s “laser on the camcorder.” Not having a camcorder, I was forced to make do with some 1/2 PVC pipe I had lying around. Since the pipe was scrap, I didn’t have to do any cutting (unfortunately, it also had 2 slide-on t-joints glued onto the pipe). The overall length is about two and a half feet, and the laser is taped 3.5” from one end. To use, you simply rests the the long end on your shoulder, with the end of the laser about level with your chin. The longer end of the pipe helps balance things out and make it more stable. I don't know how well a shorter pipe would work, but the "bazooka" style grip is perfect for me.

Maybe you could use some 1/2 steel conduit for a super strong version. Please comment with ideas, pictures, or anything else that comes into your head.

Have a Merry Christmas, everyone!

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