Introduction: HDPE Recycled Pen and Pencil Set


Started with Milk and Juice jugs and Pop bottle caps to finished pens!


Things you need:

    • some Recycled #2 plastic, I used milk and juice jugs for the white and pop bottle caps for the black
    • a mold - I made from scrap melamine that I got when I broke down a white cabinet.
    • toaster oven - I used an old oven I had in the shop
    • heat resistant gloves - these are silicone BBQ cloves. Bought off of amazon a few years back for $5
    • pan for baking the plastic - I used a glass casserole dish that I got from the dollar store, $4
    • Lathe
    • pen mandrel kit - can be done without this, but a lot harder
    • correct size bushings and drill bits and a barrel trimmer
    • pen/pencil kit
    • epoxy/CA glue
    • various lathe tools
    • sandpaper
    • drill press
    • vise

    Step 1: Recycled Pen and Pencil Set!

    I am going to go through how I made a Turned Pen and Pencil from a bunch of milk jugs. juice jugs and pop bottle caps. Most of this instructable will be a series of videos, I did not edit the videos to keep them in real time.

    Step 2: How Much Plastic Will I Need?

    So I am making a mold that is about 4 x 4 x 36 cm, and I needed to figure out how much plastic will be needed. I googled the density of HDPE and found a few different numbers but all very close to one another. About 1 gram per cubic cm. To me this seemed rather low, so I decided to make my own little cube. I melted down 1 - 2L milk jug, and tried to form a bit of a cube. Turned out it weighed about 40 grams. The size is about 4.5 x 3.25 x 2.75 cm, so about 40.21875 cubic cm, so pretty close to density of 1 gram to 1 cubic cm.

    My mold is about 576 cubic cm, and I want a little extra because there will be some shrinkage, so I decide to try for 600 cubic cm, OR about 15 milk jugs. I am going to add a little color into the mix, black pop bottle caps, this will give the impression of marble, hopefully!!

    Step 3: Cutting and Melting the Plastic!

    So I decided to go with about 14 jugs, boy was I way off, ended up with a lot of extra!!

    Step 4: Add Melted Plastic to Mold and Clamping It Down.

    Step 5: Prepping the Blanks for the Pen and Pencil Kits.



    adding the tube

    Step 6: Turning the Pen and Pencil on Lathe.

    Step 7: Assembly and All Finished.

    I am hoping to create a little box/case for the set.

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