Introduction: Halo Spartans

This project was something my wife and I decided to do together, I had made armor costumes before and had always wanted to make something for the both of us.  We agreed to do Spartan costumes from the Halo game series.  I used the Pepakura method where you print out the layout for each piece onto heavy cardstock paper and glue them together once they have been cut out.  Once you have a completed model I then reinforce each armor piece with fiberglass cloth and resin to make it solid and then I smooth out each piece with Bondo body filler.  There is alot of man hours involved with a build like this and especially more so when you are making two full suits simultaneously. We managed to do it though in less than four months.  This was the first time my wife had ever done anything like this and I am happy to have had her with me along the entire process of the build, we kinda make up a little power team. 

Halloween Epic Costumes Contest

Participated in the
Halloween Epic Costumes Contest

Halloween Photo Instructable Contest

Participated in the
Halloween Photo Instructable Contest