Introduction: How to Stop a Bike With Minimal Skidding.

About: Im always up for trying something new. I can figure out how something works if you give me 5 minutes with it, and im always trying to improve on things. Theres nothing i cant temporarily fix, and i feel lost w…

Here is an instructable on how to stop a bike with minimal skidding. Im not responsible for any injury caused.

Step 1: Breaking

Instead of jamming the back brakes, gently pull the front break.

Step 2: Getting Lift

do a tiny endo not like in the pic, lets say an inch.

Step 3: Alternate the Brakes

Now when the back wheel touches the ground, use those brakes for a few sec. then go back to the front brakes and so on. Or if you are lazy, just lock the back brakes and alternate the front break.