Introduction: How to Make a Listening Device

i will show you how to make a listening device from a walkie talkie.

Step 1: What You'll Need

Things Youll Need:

Set of walkie talkies
Masking tape
Paper clip
Private conversation

Step 2: Buy It

Purchase or acquire two quality walkie talkies

Step 3: Press

Press down the talk button on one of the walkie talkies.

Step 4: Tape It Up!

Place masking tape on the talk button and wrap the tape around the walkie talkie making sure to cover the talk button.

Step 5: Put on the Clip

Lay a small paper clip or another small object on top of the talk button. The masking tape will protect it from being damaged by the paper clip.

Step 6: Keep Wrapping

Continue to wrap the walkie talkie with masking tape, covering the talk button. This will keep the talk button on.

Step 7: Hide It

Hide the walkie talkie with the masking tape around it in a room where you want to spy and listen in on its occupant's conversation.

Step 8: Leave the Room

Go into a separate location when no one can hear your walkie talkie so that you can listen in on the conversation in private.

Step 9: Listen In

Listen to the conversation to your heart's content.

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