Introduction: Intricacy - K'nex Ball Machine

About: Hi, I'm Nick. On most sites (like YouTube and SSCoasters) I'm known as koolcoasterkid. I mainly build K'nex ball machines(the kind that go around the room). I've been building k'nex since I got my first set …

I finished this ball machine November 5, 2012, but since I posted K'netic Energy, I figured I'd post this machine too so people can see what else I've made. 

  Intricacy was my first public ball machine, and I consider it to be my first machine that was actually rather good. If anyone has any questions on how to make a element in Intricacy, let me know and I will post a page for it.  

 Here are a couple statistics about Intricacy:
- 20 paths
- 15 balls
- 15 path switchers
- 255 feet of track
- 20 000 parts
- 5 months of construction
- 4 lifts
- 4 motors
- 16 ball hooks