Introduction: Null

About: I am very into conceptual design and development for pretty much anything that can be actualized - learning everyday and it feels natural to me.

The Kitchen Boss is designed to run the kitchen to any degree desired by the homeowner. It reaches all areas of the kitchen workspace by virtue its long arms (right & left) mounted on rails, which run on tracks embedded in the flooring and ceiling. These arms have 6 degrees of freedom which allows them to manipulate objects like a human would. This ability makes the kitchen boss extremely capable in terms of managing the kitchen workspace i.e. moving around kitchenware, stowing items in the appropriate cabinets, performing heavy-lifting, cleaning, washing, etc. To enhance its capabilities, the work-space it outfitted with appliances that work in tandem with the Kitchen Boss. I have included some of these in the design i.e. top loaded dishwasher with an iris type opening in the counter-top, waste segregation (3 bins) accessible from the counter top and sides, an automatic sink which is motion activated to conserve water, an induction cooker (not shown is a smart fridge whose contents are always known by the kitchen boss – the utility of this feature will be explained shortly). The Kitchen Boss identifies trash around its space and disposes it in the appropriate bin. It also takes the trash out of the receptacles and hands these over to a waste management system (not part of this presentation). This emphasizes the fact that the Kitchen Boss is part of a larger technological eco-system designed to manage various aspects of our lives. The tracks can be customized to allow the Kitchen Boss to interact with other system – see the lay-out of the track in this presentation as an example. The center-piece of this system are the arms. They are independently equipped with a wi-fi receiver, cameras, various sensors to measure parameters such as temperature, weight, volume, food identification - meats, vegetables, dairy, etc. These come in handy when the system is preparing food …….. yes cooking!!! You can download a recipe and send it to the kitchen boss, and it prepares the meal – assuming all the ingredients are accessible in the kitchen space, so that by the time you get home a freshly prepared meal is waiting. Or you can have it chop carrots or assist in some way with the food prep if you don’t want it to take charge of the cooking itself. To get the best out of the Kitchen Boss, you can have it remotely controlled through its virtual reality package – a scenario where this will be priceless is one where you are home alone, the spouse is out of town but wants to cook you a nice meal. So spouse remotely logs into the kitchen boss and virtually prepares the meal for you in the kitchen. Or say you are buddies with Chef Gordon Ramsey, he can log into your Kitchen boss and prepare you a meal. The possibilities with the Kitchen Boss are endless, and I can go on about what it can do, or how it can be applied, but I think you get the point. Please view video of this entry at ( Thank-you, and please don’t forget to vote for this concept if you like it.

Design for Robotics Contest 2017

Participated in the
Design for Robotics Contest 2017