Introduction: K'nex Convertible Car

About: Hello I am Devin, A.K.A Jingo69. I am a student, lover of cars, K'nex/Lego, and art. I mostly post K'nex car creations but plan to post other ideas in future too! …

this is my K'nex convertible, I sadly cant make instructions for this becuase I demolished it but you probabably could build it from the pictures. Here is some information about it...

It has a roof which can be neatly folded into the back the roof itself could be better
it has a opening bonnet with v8 engine no back lights!
side exuasts
stylish interior with lots of curves and dials
agustable seats
head rests
looks great
and is stronger than it looks
stats out of 5

features **** 4
the looks **** 4
durability ** 2

over all *** 3

I Made It Photo Contest

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I Made It Photo Contest