Introduction: Kryten's Head

About: I love to make anything and everything and I will give anything a go.

Kryten is my favorite character from the comedy sci fi TV program red dwarf. He is so funny and awesome that I felt like I should make his head, in his honour.

Step 1: Pepakura

I printed off the pepakura file of krytens head. Once it was printed off onto card I cut it out using a craft knife. Then stuck it together with UHU glue.

Step 2: Paint

If I made this again I would have first put a primary layer of white paint before painting it salmon. However I did not paint it white first, this meant I needed lots of layers of salmon spray paint. Giving lots of thin layers so that the paint didn't run or make the card soggy.

Step 3: Cut the Back

To make the mask fit easily on and off my face I had to make a cut down the back. This is because the mask is very tight.

Step 4: Smug Mode

That is krytens head completed! *smug mode activate* I was really pleased with this mask and looks very realistic.