Introduction: Mini Lego Helocopter

About: I'm a 13 year old mexican american who likes robotics , cooking, origami, video games and a bunch of other useless junk.

this is a simple LEGO thing that I got off a LEGO manual. It doesn't need much.
Make sure to upload lots 'o pictures!

Step 1: Materials

like I said, it doesn't need much.

Step 2: Step #1

conect the 1x6 flats, with the 2x4 flat, like shown

Step 3: Step #2

now conect the 2x2 upside down triangle, with the 2x3 block together with the 2x3 flat peice.
just like in the picture.

Step 4: Step #3

now put step 1 and 2 together

Step 5: Step #4

put the 1x1 triangle, with the 1x6 block

Step 6: Step #5

put step 4 with step 3

Step 7: Step #6

put the last 1x1 triangle where it belongs!

Step 8: Step #7

put the 1x2 flat, on th 1x1 triangle

Step 9: Step #8

get the propellar and put the 1x4s across eachother

Step 10: Not Quite Done Yet..........

conect the propellar to the mystery peice, and the mystery piece to the clear 1x2 block 

Step 11: DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

put step 9 on the helocpter
put on the last piece................................. VUALA!                                     a helocopter
I hope you had fun and didn't get confused with blury pictures......
don't forget to upload lots 'o pictures!

Halloween Props Challenge

Participated in the
Halloween Props Challenge

4th Epilog Challenge

Participated in the
4th Epilog Challenge