Introduction: Miniature Firearm With Easily Loaded Cartridges - the Snub

About: Travelling since 2013. I'm currently in Australia for some reason. --- I’m Calvin Drews, and I love to learn, experiment, invent, create, repair, and generally just do things myself. A sort of modern jack of …
This is my second miniature gun. See the first slide show for more information.

This gun is made entirely out of brass and solder except the handle, which is made of wood. It fires very small bullets that have quite a bit of power (see the video...) and is easy to reload.

This gun is about half as long as my first gun (the Hunter) and takes the same size cartridge. Accuracy is pretty good for something like this (you can actually aim at things!). In the video I shot the tube pretty close up, but you can shoot things at a distance with a little practice.