Introduction: Nike+ Athletic Sock

About: Bringing you projects as an unemployed cheap-skate.

First there was the iPod meet the Athletic Sock. The new-fangled Athletic Sock meets all your high-tech running needs and allows you to use your favorite, stylin' pair of running shoes at the same time. The Nike+ does not require pressure for an accurate reading. It measures accurately while securely mounted on the front of your laces.

Another bonus: this is an ultra-quick knit project that will use up some of that yarn scrap you can't bear to toss.

Step 1: Materials

3 double pointed needles
Worsted Weight Yarn
place marker or small washer
crochet hook or large-eyed embroidery needle
embellishments if desired

Step 2: Cast On!

Cast on 10 stitches, divided evenly between two double pointed needles. Leave a tail about three inches long.

Add a marker at start of knit--this way you can tell where a row starts and ends. has some great videos to get you started with your knitting adventures.

Step 3: Knit

Begin knitting in the round. Knit 11 rows total, moving your marker up each time you knit a new row. Your marker will not be knit permanently in the piece, but instead will follow your rows up and, eventually, out as your cast off.

Cast off. (Told you this is quick!) Leave another three inch tail.

Step 4: Create the Drawstrings

Use a crochet hook or embroidery needle to weave the tails between stitches on both ends. The tails create a drawstring to cinch the ends closed.

Step 5: Finish!

Add any embellishments you desire. I used embroidery floss to add the stripe and added a key ring to enhance the functionality and grenade-like appearance.

Weave your shoe laces through the back and tie your shoe as normal.
