Introduction: Obtaining a Digital Signature Certificate (in Mozilla Firefox)

Instruction for how to obtain a signing certificate necessary for creating a digital signature.

Step 1: Your Details

Enter your correct First and Last Name, using your Math Student E-Mail to ensure you receive your certificate. If you enter any name other than your Legal Name, your Digital Signature may not be accepted.

Step 2: Private Key Options

Make sure your key size is High Grade. Once you've download your certificate, please make sure to key a backup in a size place.

Step 3: Revocation Password and Newsletter Preference

Choose a safe, secure password that you should choose to remember for later. In the event your certificate is stolen, lost, or otherwise damaged you will need to recall this password in order to cancel out this certificate. Additionally, it is recommended to opt out of the Comodo Newsletter.

Step 4: Subscriber Agreement

After you've read and agree to the Subscriber Agreement, check "I ACCEPT" and hit "Next" to continue.

Step 5: Click & Install Comodo Email Certificate

Once you receive the e-mail to claim your certificate, click on the above button to claim your certificate.

Step 6: Collection of Secure Email Certificate

Once the page loads, the certificate will automatically download.