Introduction: Pocket Sized Pin Cushion

About: I love to blow up things! Im a big computer geek

In this Instructable I will show you how to make an easy but useful pin cushion.

You Will Need
Bottle Cap

Step 1: Fabric

Here we need to cut about a 1in. diameter circle. Then sew 1/4 of an inch from the edge of the fabric as shown in the picture.

Step 2: Gathering the Fabric

Step 3: Closing Up the Cushion

Now that you have the cushion is completely gathered you need to make sure it doesnt come un-done What you need to do is sew through the cloesed part of the pin cushion. Once you have four inches of thread left you can tie it off. Then cut off the excess thread.

Step 4: Gluing the Pin Cushion

Now you can glue the ugly closed up side down into the bottle cap and hold it for a few miniutes. Dont put the pins in until the glue is dried, or your pins will be glued to the pin cushion.

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