About: A mechanical Engineer, currently working in dubai as Design Engineer. I am a big fan of mechanics, electronics, programming. I believe that There is no knowledge that is not power

Assalamoalikum Dear Friends,

Today I want to share my experiment of using my old screen from a Dell laptop which had stopped working.

It went pretty smooth however there were some blind spots where I was not having any idea what to do.

Like there was no catalogue or brochure in the box of universal lcd controller box which tells how to connect cables and power supply. But now I can say it can be done in few easy steps.


1) LCD screen (either from laptop, monitor or LCD TV)

2) Universal Controller board / Specific board for LCD screen model (with or without inverter)

3) Cable to connect LCD screen with Board

4) Power Supply (PC power supply will work best as it has 3.3volts, 5 volts, 12 volts available)


LVDS Display Cable 20 Pin / 30 Pin / 40 Pin Support Universal Driver Controller Board|Tablet LCDs & Panels| - AliExpress

MT6820 B MT6820B Universal LVDS LCD Montor Screen Driver Controller Board 5V 10" 42" Laptor Computer Parts DIY Kit Module|Replacement Parts & Accessories| - AliExpress

Step 1: Step 1: Grab Details of Available Screen

First, look for the model number on the back of your LCD screen and search datasheet.

You have 2 options here

1)Search a controller board for your model. (It may be expensive around 23-50$ but requires less experience and knowledge)

2) use Universal controller board which will be dirt cheap (around 3.6$) and with VGA connector only but you need some experience and also some deeper information about your board and screen.

In my case, I was having an LG LP140WD1 (TL)(M1) which doesn't require inverter (inverter provides high voltage to backlit leds or lamp)

Two important things to grab from manual or datasheet are :-

1) Operating Voltage (in my case 3.3 volts)

2) Backlit Voltage (in my case 12 volts)

3) Maximum resolution and specs (in my case it was 1600x900 , 6bit, 2 channel)

Both options were available in universal controller board MT

Step 2: Step 2 Connect the Board With Screen and Power Supply

Connecting was a bit challenging as there was no clear information regarding it.

Note that there is no separate connector for power so you have to solder required power to board your way.

(I just inserted the cables over the red connector as I will solder them in future)


Power connection most critical as wrong connection may lead to faulty board or screen or both.

Connection details are as follow:-



5 VOLTS (this is board supply voltage however screen works with 3.3 volts which can be selected by adjacent jumper)

5 VOLTS (both same)

ADJ (this is VCC for backlit leds which in our case is 12 volts)

BL (this is for backlit on /off but in my case, it was not required however if your screen doesn't work, you can give it 3.3 volts )

My LCD screen was having 40Pin LVDS cable connector so I ordered the same and directly connected screen with board. (Note pin # 1 should match which is denoted by arrow or dot or digit 1)

Step 3: Step 3 Select Jumpers & Final Test

Now just you have to put jumpers on correct location. In my case, as my screen operating voltage is 3.3 volts so I put the jumper on 3.3 volts .

Our screen data sheet showed 1600x900 6 bit, 2 channel . To achieve this, jumper connections are shown on the back of the board. Set jumpers to desired location as per your LCD screen.

Now if you have connected everything correctly then turn on the power supply and say Bismillah.

your screen should start on full resolution.

Thanks for watching. Do let me know if you have succeeded with your screen or if you like the project.

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