Introduction: RFID Based Attendance System Using Raspberry Pi

About: I am Freelancer at Home.

On this RFID based Attendance device undertaking, i can explain you ways are we able to count number of attendance routinely by way of the usage of RFID playing cards. RFID devices (Radio Frequency identification and Detection) are normally utilized in schools, workplace, offices and stations for various functions to automatically count or detection of authorized people. Here we will remember the attendance of an authorized character with the aid of using RFID.

This project is divided into distinct sections:
reader section, manage section, driver section and display section.

RFID Reader and Tags

RFID, that is an electronics tool which has parts - one is RFID Reader and other is RFID tag or Card. when we put RFID tag near to the RFID reader, it reads tag records serially. RFID tag has 12 digit char code in a coil. This RFID is running at baud rate of 9600 bps. RFID makes use of electromagnet to transfer information from reader to tag or tag to reader.

Step 1: Components Required

  • · Raspberry Pi (with booted SD card)
  • · Push button
  • · Buzzer
  • · 16x2 LCD
  • · 10k pot
  • · 10K Resistor
  • · LED
  • · 1k Resistor
  • · Bread board
  • · RFID Reader
  • · Power 5 volt
  • · RFID tangs or Cards
  • · Ethernet Cable
  • · Connecting wires

Step 2: Circuit and Connections

Circuit diagram for RFID and Raspberry Pi based attendance device task is very simple which includes Raspberry Pi, RFID Reader, RFID Tags, buzzer, LED and LCD. right here Raspberry Pi controls the complete procedure like studying data coming from the Reader, evaluating records with predefined records, buzzer, LED and sending status to LCD display. RFID Reader is used to examine RFID Tags. Buzzer is used for indications and driven by built in NPN transistor. Liquid crystal display is used for showing status or messages on it.

Connections are also simple. LCD is hooked up with raspberry pi in 4-bit mode. In order that liquid crystal display’s rs, rw, and en pin are related at wiringPi GPIO 11, gnd and 10. And data pins are linked at wiringPi GPIO 6, 5, 4 and 1. A 10K pot is used to set brightness of liquid crystal display. Buzzer is hooked up at wiringPi GPIO pin 7 with recognize to ground. 4 LED are linked for indication with respective RFID card. And one of four LED is used for ready to place card over RFID reader. Way whilst D1 LED related at wiringPi GPIO pin 14 is Glow then person can vicinity their Card at the RFID Reader. A push button is likewise connected at wiringPi GPIO pin 12. RFID reader is attached at UART pin (wiring GPIO pin 16).

Step 3: Working

Here Raspberry Pi3 is used for controlling the complete the method of this assignment (hobbyest might also use any Raspberry Pi Board). here through UART of RPI , receiving RFID statistics and examine it and sending respective result or Output to lcd. A 16x2 liquid crystal display is used for showing messages on it. A buzzer is used for indications.

When a person placed their RFID tag to RFID reader then RFID reads tag’s statistics and send it to Raspberry Pi then RPI compares facts with predefined records or statistics. If facts is matched with predefined statistics then Raspberry Pi increment the attendance with the aid of one of the tag’s character and if matched isn't took place then LCD shows invalid card and buzzer is beeping constantly for some time. And here we additionally introduced a push button to peer general no. of attendances of all of the students. Right here we've got taken four RFID tags wherein three are used for college kids and 1 is used for invalid card.

Step 4: Installing WiringPi

First Of all I have install wiringPi Library for raspberry pi in my raspberry pi. By using giving commands:

sudo apt-get install git-core

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get upgrade

git clone git://

cd wiringPi

git pull origin

cd wiringPi



Step 5: Program

here in raspberry pi we have many programming language to program our project. some of them are python, c, c++ etc.

Here i have used very familiar language to write code that is embedded c. and by using wiringPi library i have make it same as Arduino code with little differences.

You May Also read this article over CircuitDigest.

click here

Step 6: Some Program Fuctions

Step 7: Hardware

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