Introduction: Retrieve Data From a Dead Computer

This involves removing the hard drive from the dead machine and making it appear to be an external HDD on another computer.

You will need:
A second computer
An external HDD

Note: The external HDD must be of the same type as the target HDD.

Step 1: Disassembly

The name says it all.
I am using a 60GB iomega portable usb powered HDD. this is good because it uses a Laptop HDD and i want to get files from a laptop. I you are trying to get file off a PC then you will need a different external disk.

Once you have removed the dick from its enclosure gently disconnect the PCB. This is the bit that controls the drive and connects to a usb port..

Step 2: Disassembly 2

Open the target computer and remove the hard drive.

Step 3: Conect Up

Very simple.

Plug the PCB into the new drive. Be careful not to bent any of the pins of flex the board too much, it was never designed for this kind of abuse.

Step 4: It Works!

Or not.

Plug it into a computer via usb and it should appear as a removable storage device.

For desk top drives (SATA ?) You may be able to connect it to a spare port in you machine but i haven't tried this.

Please leave comments and criticisms.

Good Luck!