Introduction: Null

Meet Robby, the humanoid companion. He is kindly, endearing and surprising. The Robby is designed for a day to day companion, whose number one quality is to perceive emotions. It can adapt behavior as a mood of his interlocutor. Pleasant and likable, Robby is much more than a robot, he is genuine humanoid companion created to communicate with you in the most natural and intuitive way, through his body movements and his voice. Inbuilt with several sensors, it can be used for patrolling your home. With a Robby app, you can access Robby from anywhere and anytime. Robby can control room lighting, fan, and any electronic types of equipment remotely and manually. Robby can remind you to take your pills, can read emails for you, can play music and can even dance with you. It can play any game with you like badminton, table tennis more efficiently and effectively. With an inbuilt screen, it can be used as a lot more compatible assistant, with a greater interaction.

Design for Robotics Contest 2017

Participated in the
Design for Robotics Contest 2017