Introduction: Null

About: Hi! My name is Wolfgang Haney. I have a Bachelor's of Science in Systems Engineering with a Mechanical Option and I am a Technical Specialist in the AEC Industry. I like to consider myself a maker. I have a lo…

I wanted a spinner that did more than just spin. I thought a screwdriver would be a handy tool to carry with you. I opted to design spaces to store regular sized screwdriver bits so that it could carry multiple types of drivers and also so that they could be stored and not poke out where they might hurt while spinning or in my pocket. Each space has a friction fit lid and stores two regular sized drivers. The drivers act as the weights and one can be placed in the slot on one of the wings and the spinner can then be used as a screwdriver. It spins on one skateboard bearing placed in the center between two caps.

Fidget Spinner Design Contest

Participated in the
Fidget Spinner Design Contest