Introduction: Soft Box Mac-gyver Style

About: I'm on the site every day.I love DIY

This is a soft box that is really cheap and easy.This is for those photographers who don't want to spend $200.95. Disclaimer I am in no way responsible for any damage to you or your property.

Step 1: Materials!!!

Materials 1 Box Aluminum foil Wax Paper Flashlight Duct tape Scissors /knife Pencil

Step 2: The Box

Fold the box and then cut the top flaps off the box.

Step 3: Box Lining

Take the aluminum foil and put the dull side facing up.Use some tape to hold it in place.

Step 4: Flashlight

Cut a hole in the box.Put the flashlight through the hole.

Step 5: Wax Paper

Put the paper over the box and tape it in place.

Step 6: The End

That's how you make a Mac-Gyver soft box. By the way, if you don't mind please vote for me.

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