Introduction: Stand to Reproduce 35mm Film and Slides With Digital Camera

About: Ed and Stephanie Vinces, co-owners of Pacifica Computer Pros, in business for 30 years. www, We do kinetic art, art projects, robotics, mosaics, statues, needlework, and much more. Lifetime membe…
This stand is easy to make and use, allows a digital camera with macro capability to take pictures of slides and film.
First I designed an acrylic ring with 4 holes for 1/4" acrylic rod avallable at any plastics supply store.
Using Corel Draw or AutoCAD, the dimensions of the ring have to be customized for your camera, I used a 1.8" inner circle and a 3.8" outer circle, the proper dimension for the 1/4" rods is .255" for a tight fit.
I made it at the Tech Shop

Step 1:

Designed with Corel Draw, cut in the Epilog 45 watt laser.

Step 2:

Next, cut the acrylic 1/4" rod to the dimension that focuses a slide or film on the camera frame

Step 3:

The rods are adjustable for optimun position, the camera lens its into the inside ring.
Set the macro to the closest setting, Mount the camera and subject on top or a light box and start taking pictures.
I used Adobe Photoshop to convert the 35mm film to color pictures, then I adjusted the color, contrast and more.
Make It Real Challenge

Participated in the
Make It Real Challenge