Introduction: Star Wars Cantina Band Mask

About: YouTube channel: The Urban Ape Instagram: @The_Urban_Ape_sfx

In this instructable I am making a latex Bith mask from start to finish.

Step 1: Sculpting

I sculpted the mask over an Ed Head using Monster Clay.

Step 2: Molding

I molded the mask using burlap reinforced Ultracal-30.

Step 3: Casting

I casted the mask using RD 407 Mask Latex.

Step 4: Painting

I painted the mask with watered down latex mixed with airbrush paint.

Step 5: Full Video

The video below shows the entire process of making the mask, including Sculpting, Molding, Casting, and Painting.

Halloween Contest 2017

Participated in the
Halloween Contest 2017