Introduction: Star Wars "A New Hope" Movie in Windows XP

About: I'm in Highschool. =] Love cycing. Old Instructables member. Have been featured on the homepage and received most viewed award. :D

You can actavate this cool star wars movie in windows XP

Step 1: Step 1

click start and then go to run and type in "telnet" with out the dot things....Windows prompt should come up like the pictures

Step 2: Step 2

dont do anything but type in a simple "o" with out the quotes

Step 3: Step 3

Now after you click will see type in "" without the quotes.

Step 4: You Are Now Done!!!

Now sit back and maybe get some soda and popcorn and watch Star wars " A new hope" I hope you have enjoyed my instructable....if you have any questions, plz comment...thx! P.S (today is my Birthday!!! 1/15) ok....some people have said that this has aedy been I will leave this up here but this message.