Introduction: Sugar Cube Maker

About: Jack of all trades... master of none. :)

I've always wanted to buy brown sugar cubes but could never find them. So, I decided to make this simple sugar cube maker.

Thanks to all who voted for me for the Sugar Contest! :)

Step 1: Tools & Materials

To make my version of the sugar cube maker you'll need:

2 pieces of wood approximately 1" x .75" x 3"


Bench grinder
Drill and drill bits
Sugar cube sample (optional)

Step 2: Make Markings

Place and center sugar cube on one of the blocks of wood and trace around it as shown.

Step 3: Drill Hole in Block

Place block of wood in vise and mark center of square as shown. Next, drill a small guide hole as straight as possible all the way through. Using a bigger drill bit (no larger than the square), drill half way through, flip block and using the sugar cube, trace the other side of the block, (as centered as possible) and finish hole.

Step 4: File Hole Into Square Shape

Place block in vise at an angle and file down until the hole becomes square and sugar cube slides through freely as shown.

Step 5: Shaping Plunger

Place sugar cube on end of second block and trace around it as shown. Continue lines on the sides for use as guidelines. Using a bench grinder, grind down block as shown until it fits freely through the first block. (see photos)

Step 6: Sanding

Using the bench grinder and/or sandpaper, smooth and shape blocks as desired. If you have any wood oil, it's a good idea to apply some all around for a nice protected finish.

I didn't have any but used petroleum jelly (vaseline), which seems to work nicely.

Step 7: Making Sugar Cubes

Place block on a small cutting board and using a teaspoon measure, fill the square hole with brown sugar and using the plunger, press down with a slight circular motion for a few seconds. Next, place the cube-maker on its side and push the plunger until the sugar cube comes out the other side. Repeat as desired.

Notes: (update)

I thought that it would also work with regular sugar by adding a few teaspoons of water and mixing... but, I just tried it and it doesn't work. :(

Also, be sure that the brand of brown sugar you use has enough molasses it in it to hold the shape. I tried one brand from Costco that was too dry and didn't work.

After use, clean with slightly damp cloth trying to not get it too wet so as not to have it absorb moisture which may cause warping and expand, thus causing the plunger to stick. Apply oil or petroleum jelly if needed for continued protection.

Sugar Contest

Runner Up in the
Sugar Contest