Introduction: The Better Knockoff Knex Gun

This knex gun was based on another Knex gun I encountered on this website. I built this gun but I didn't think it was powerful enough so I built this gun. It is about ten times as powerful as the original version.

Step 1: Handle

Probably not the hardest thing to make but it's a start.
Just take a whole bunch of red pieces and put them on the middle yellow piece. Stick two pieces of the same size with connectors at the top through the holes it creates. I put duct tape around the connectors that are conected to the two rods.

Step 2: The Ram Rod

Most Definetly the easiest part. just get the very longest piece and stick a connector with one of those hand thingies on the end i again used duct tape on the connector.

Step 3: Barrel

this part is to, easy. nsap a few parts together in the way I showed you.

Step 4: Mag.

I'm not even going to explain this one.

Step 5: Put It Together

connect together the parts I showed you how to make.

Step 6: Rubber Bands

put on some rubber bands.

Step 7: Fill the Mag

put three blue pieces in the compartment with the door,pull back the pump,lock it,and unlock it. Don't shoot it at other people.Enjoy.