Introduction: The Non-Illuminating Flashlight

Overview: Our objective was to create a flashlight with a working switch.

Materials: Box 6cm x 17cm (1), Light Switch (1), Battery Pack (1), Light Bulb (1), Convex Lens (1), Insulated Wire, Electrical Tape, Duct Tape

Step 1: Attaching the Battery Pack

First, use duct tape to attach the battery pack to the bottom of the box. Poke two holes in the bottom of the box next to the battery pack and run the wires through them.

Step 2: Bulb

Second, poke one more hole on the small face of the box, that is on the opposite side of the battery pack. Put the lightbulb through so that it is snug in place. **We put in two light bulbs but couldn't figure out how to make them both light up so you only need one.

Step 3: Instal the Switch

Cut a hole in the top of the box and place the switch there. The leads should be on the inside of the box when it is closed.

Step 4: The Hook Up

In this step you need to connect the wires coming through the bottom of the box to the switch and the lightbulb. One wire must run through the switch and then connect to the lightbulb the other must connect directly to the lightbulb. The wires can be connected as shown in the diagram.

Step 5: Lens Housing

Now we need to create something to hold the lens and direct the light from the bulb through the lens. Using the picture we included of the housing laying flat on paper, cut out your own to fit the box you are using. Once folded and taped together, it should look like the second picture. Then, tape/glue the lens on the inside of the housing.

Step 6: Tape It All Together

Once the lens is installed in the housing, tape it onto the front of the box where the bulb is. Make sure to cover the cracks with electrical tape to keep the light from spilling out.

Step 7: Test Results

Our project was successful because the bulb lit up. One of the positives of this way of making a flashlight is that the bulb won't be so bright that it hurts your eyes. In fact, it will be so dim that you probably want to get a different one if you actually need to see stuff in the dark.

Step 8: Physics Explanation:

By creating housing that forces the light through the convex lens, it creates a flashlight effect. This is because the lens bends the light rays to focus more on a single point, creating a directional light.