Introduction: Turn an Ugly Dress Into a Cool Jumper for School

With school and fall just around the corner, I decided to create a cool alternative to the plaid school jumper. It's a very inexpensive way to show off your unique style!

You will need:
one ugly dress
seam ripper
tape measure
matching thread
sewing machine

Step 1: Finding an Ugly Dress!

First thing, first...find an ugly dress.  I found my ugly dress at the local thrift store, but you can get one anywhere: your closet, your mom's closet, rummage sale, Goodwill, anywhere! 

I chose this dress because I liked the buttons going up the chest to the neck.  And there was enough of it to work with.

Step 2: Taking the Dress Apart!

Get out your seam ripper, you're gonna need it!  

Cut off anything you don't want on your final dress.  The first thing I took off was the shoulder pads.  Next, the elastic on the waist.  I also removed the sleeves and cut the skirt in half. 

Take off as little or as much as you want, be creative!

Step 3: Fitting to Size!

Now, it's time for the tape measure! 

I measured my daughter's legs from waist to knee, shoulder width, and the length from under her arm pit to her waist.  Then I measured the dress and  added an inch to each measurement for the seam allowance. 

Next, take the scissors and start cutting! 

Step 4: Sewing It Back Together!

Now, pin the seams together and sew a 5/8th seam allowance.  For the sleeves, I turned and top stitched a very slim hem. 

Turn and top stitch the hem on the skirt.  I didn't measure the skirt hem...just eye balled it. 

Step 5: Final Touch Ups!

Now for the raw edges! 

Since I don't have a serger, I used a wide zigzag stitch to finish up the raw edges to prevent fraying.

And ta-da! Your done!!

Now, you or your daughter will have a one-of-a-kind dress/jumper for school.  Enjoy!

Back to School Contest

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Back to School Contest