Introduction: Mini USB Freezer

About: I enjoy Hiking threw the vast wilderness, and using my two hands. I am currently a medical student. Recently I have been studying theory and religions. The last time I used instructables I was 14 or so! HA, it…

USB mini Fridges have been kinda popular around the enter net so i thought i would try to correct a flaw i saw with a lot of peoples designs, capacity!

This Fridge holds a maximum of three cans, and is supper cheep, easy, and efficiently cools your favorite beverages at any usb port, or your computer, game station, or even your car, or wall usb plug in.

Step 1: Diagram

I stumbled upon this device inside my unpublished instructional file, and i decided to make a diagram on ms paint so i could possibly publish this. 

You will have to cut a hole in the tin of the can for a heat sinc, and drill a small hole for the wiring.