Introduction: Upcycled Steampunk Goggles

About: I just like to make things. I dabble in a lot of mediums and usually don't like to spend money on parts, so most of my work is made with leftover materials. I love different forms of storytelling, and have a g…

Here's something quick and cheap I threw together for a steampunk convention. It's made of pleather scraps, an old belt from Goodwill and a pair of magnet storage tins with a little bit of spray paint and hot glue.

I don't have photos for a full instructable. The tins had been sitting in the house for years and I figured they would have been discontinued by now, so I didn't bother recording directions.

Halloween Props  Contest

Participated in the
Halloween Props Contest

Halloween Photo Instructable Contest

Participated in the
Halloween Photo Instructable Contest