Introduction: Yellow Pages

Well in the modern days, we have a great source to find contact numbers of businesses, known as yellow pages. In yellow pages, we can find any contact number of businesses around our city. In small villages it is easy to find people who have specific skills but in cities you find a big problem to search these things. Yellow pages provide a wide range of choices for the people regarding a specific business. From these directories you can check a number of people, who gives you service; you can select any person who provides you better service.

In recent years, the yellow pages industry has faced a scrutiny from several environment related groups who alleged that these are wasteful products and only a specific section of society uses them. But many studies revealed that a majority of consumers still uses yellow pages; according to a number of surveys 60% people in U.S. still use yellow pages to find a particular business. So to avoid wastage of yellow pages a number of agencies annuaire started their own websites, where by few clicks they can find out their desired business/ assistance.

Many internet yellow pages are saved as bookmarks on the PC’s and Laptops. Internet is a great tool to widen your business and to make your business popular among the people. After saving these pages as bookmarks they will use what is termed as “direct navigation” to visit the yellow pages site on that machine for future.

These yellow pages are edited, maintained etc. on internet by the companies who offer them. These pages can be used to strengthen their business, any person worldwide can access them and they are online so I don’t think any environmental organisation have any problem with them. They don’t create any wastage of paper or glue etc. and they give enough sources to users to find a relative service.