Introduction: A Simple Current Amplifier

About: None of your buisness

a amplifier of current . when we touch the wires it glows but without the circuit it will not glow can make it on a pref board or without it i am making it with a pref board.

Step 1: Things Required

things required-
1] 560 ohm resistor
2] NPN transisor
3] led
4]9v battery
5] battery snap

Step 2: The LED

you can use a diffused led if you want much of a glow . if you want a beam of light use a water clear type.

Step 3: The Circuit Digram

solder the circuit with the circuit digram.

Step 4: All Done!!!

you have made your current amplifier.
touch the both touch wires and the led glows brightly
without the circuit it will be very dim.

Step 5: Update

solder a 100k resistor between the base of the transistor and the touch pad